
Hi, I'm Aayush Sachdev

Senior Frontend Engineer based in Berlin, Germany. Currently developing fintech softwares & designing intuitive user experiences.


I'm a Computer Science Engineer, who loves building tech products and designing intuitive user experiences. My insatiable curiosity introduced me to Coding and Design in my first undergrad year, and since then I love how the intersection of Tech & Design can be used to solve problems and positively impact people's lives. I truely believe that great products can be formed at the confluence of Design and technology, where the Design thinking leads the upheaval shift and technology helps us achieve the seemingly impossible.
My creative instincts drive the cross-disciplinary approach that I apply to every solution I develop. When I'm not working, you can find me Reading (Psychology and Design are my fav topics), Cooking or dabbling with Violin(I instrumental music!). I also love having conversations with different people discussing ideas on Human Psych, Music or just about any topic.
Ping me to learn more about my work or discuss anything in general!